Pelvic strengthener!
Pelvic muscle exerciser, works perfectly to train and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, also works and strengthens the thighs, buttocks and lower abdominal muscles. It will help you strengthen the bladder, intestine and uterus. With multiple benefits in privacy. These exercises can help both men and women who have problems with urine leakage or bowel control.

It can also help you exercise and tone your arms, chest and back, it is very easy and comfortable to use with different movements for different parts of the body.

High quality material!
It is made of ABS + silicone of high quality and resistance. It is very ergonomic which will facilitate training.

Perfect for pregnant women!
This exerciser will help you do kegel exercises. Practicing pelvic floor exercises, known as Kegel exercises before, during and after pregnancy is essential to compensate for the extraordinary effort that falls on the female apparatus.
Thanks to these exercises, pain during childbirth will be reduced and the recovery time of the perineal tissue will be accelerated, allowing you to reduce the risk of fecal incontinence or constipation. You can say goodbye to involuntary urinary losses, both during and after pregnancy. They also improve blood circulation; which contributes to the decrease in fluid retention and the consequent swelling.
Without a doubt, you will love this exerciser!